Literature and publishing house

As one of the best-preserved Roman towns north of the Alps, it has for many years been the subject of numerous scientific research projects, the results of which have been published in many journals and books.

Most of them are listed in this bibliography and can be accessed in the online catalogue of the University library in Basle. The “Museum Augusta Raurica” publishing house is an important image-promoting agency and publishes both archaeological specialist literature and popular brochures for the interested lay person.


Augusta Raurica
Debora Schmid

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The current bibliography


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Forschungen in Augst

Das frühkaiserzeitliche Militärlager in der Kaiseraugster Unterstadt

Eckhard Deschler-Erb/Markus Peter/Sabine Deschler-Erb (mit Beiträgen von Sylvia Fünfschilling, Alex R. Furger und Urs Müller)
FiA 12
CHF 50.-
01. January 1991