Guided tour

Mittwoch-Matinée «The imperial banquet»

A theatrical tour followed by a discussion about the interplay between research and theatre.

Accompany the innkeeper Visurix on her exciting journey to organise a banquet for the imperial delegation in the year 39 AD. In the centre of Augusta Raurica, she faces a huge challenge: exquisite food, festive decorations and the perfect entertainment are needed to impress Rome. But how do you organise the perfect dinner in ancient times?

In this new theatrical tour, history becomes gripping fiction before science comes into play in the second part of the matinee. Find out more about the fascinating transformation of science into entertainment in an insightful discussion between the artist and the curator.

Join us and discover how science and storytelling complement each other perfectly!


Date Time
Wednesday, 16. April 2025 10:00 - 12:00
Wednesday, 29. October 2025 10:00 - 12:00


Offer for


From 16 years

Group size

Max. 20 people

Possible languages


Next dates

16. April 2025
10:00 - 12:00
29. October 2025
10:00 - 12:00


Meeting point

Museum entrance

Accompanying persons



Registration with our guest service is recommended



CHF 10.-/5.- (incl. museum admission; museum passes are not valid)


Tickets must be purchased at the museum ticket office before the start.


Tel. +41 (0)61 552 22 22 or

Please note / Hints

Zur Angebotsübersicht