Tierpark Augusta Raurica
More than 30 years ago, the Pro Augusta Raurica Foundation (PAR) created the Roman Animal Park.
It is free of charge and extremely popular with the general public and visitors to Augusta Raurica. In cooperation with Augusta Raurica, the Foundation finances the full infrastructure and operating costs. Support from patrons and private and public institutions makes this possible.
The Pro Augusta Raurica Foundation is leading the Animal Park into the future
In 2022, the Foundation Board decided to undertake a major refurbishment of the facility and modernise it in four stages. The Animal Park has an explicit focus on providing a habitat for endangered and ancient livestock breeds and works with the Pro Spezie Rara Foundation. Going forward, the aim is to highlight the importance of ancient European livestock species in the context of Roman origins and the role of livestock in the cultural history of human development.
The first sub-project, renovating the enclosures and stables, was completed in December 2023 with funding from the PAR and the Hans and Hanna Bischof foundations. The animal population has changed since spring 2023. This was the second sub-project.
The operational expansion of the site is now set to be funded as a third sub-project. The aim is to improve the welfare of the animals through the provision of alternative grazing land and animal-friendly shelters. The fourth sub-project involves updating the educational facilities on the site to make them more appealing. This includes a small, interactive exhibition and inclusive picnic areas to reinforce the welcoming culture. The expansion is scheduled to begin in the autumn of 2024, and we plan to complete it with the new educational offering in the summer of 2025.
We thank you for your support and invite you to get involved.
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