The Perfect Dinner. Romans, Power and Rubbish

The year is 39 AD. A distinguished visitor arrives in Augusta Raurica. A lavish feast is prepared for them. The leftovers end up in a pit, remaining undiscovered for nearly 2000 years.

Where will the celebrations take place? Who is invited? What will they drink? What do we have in common with Roman table culture? What are the differences to today?

The "Perfect Dinner. Romans, Power and Rubbish" exhibition allows you to be a guest at this extremely special event and takes you on a hunt for clues – what do the archaeological finds tell us? Take a look behind the scenes of a Roman feast and marvel at the abundance of information passed down to us from the rubbish of the time.

Supporting Program
Immerse yourself in the culinary delights of ancient times, participate in interactive tours, sample Roman wine in the workshops or learn about wine criticism.

Public tours and workshops

Dialogical tour «Perfect Dinner. Romans, Power and Rubbish»

Dialogical tour «Perfect Dinner. Romans, Power and Rubbish»


Family tour of the museum with translation into DSGS

Eine interaktive Museumsszene mit mehreren Personen unterschiedlichen Alters, darunter ältere Erwachsene und Kinder. Eine ältere Frau und ein Mädchen stehen an einem Tisch und versuchen gemeinsam, Keramikscherben zu einem Gefäß zusammenzukleben. Ein älterer Mann und ein weiteres Mädchen beobachten die Aktivitäten konzentriert. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Besucher und Ausstellungsvitrinen zu sehen. Die Szene vermittelt eine Atmosphäre des Lernens und der Zusammenarbeit.


‘The perfect dinner’: a scenic tour for the whole family

‘The perfect dinner’: a scenic tour for the whole family


Experience Roman cuisine

Experience Roman cuisine

Exklusive Führung

Mittwoch-Matinée «The imperial banquet»

Mittwoch-Matinée «The imperial banquet»

The Imperial Banquet - a theatrical tour followed by a discussion on the interplay between research and theatre.


Offers for groups

Dialogical tour «Perfect Dinner. Romans, Power and Rubbish»

Dialogical tour «Perfect Dinner. Romans, Power and Rubbish»


‘The perfect dinner’: a scenic tour

‘The perfect dinner’: a scenic tour


Gustatio romana – Roman appetizers homemade

Gustatio romana – Roman appetizers homemade
