Augusta Raurica up close

More than twenty monuments and sites can be visited at Augusta Raurica. From the best-preserved Roman theatre north of the Alps and the fully furnished Roman house to the massive defensive wall you can view, walk on or touch everything here.



More than 2 million finds are in storage at Augusta Raurica. A selection of them are on display at the Museum. They attest to the people who once lived here and show their tastes, their appreciation for the practical and their sense of humour. Please note that the museum is closed to the public until early summer 2024 for renovation works.


Roman house

Roman house

Find out what it was like to be Roman – the Roman house will provide you with this opportunity. It is a Roman villa fully furnished as it would have been at the time with numerous everyday items which you can touch. You will rarely come this close to the Romans.


Animal park and biodiversity

animal park and biodiversity

At the animal park you will see species that were popular in Roman times.
