Wild animals in the animal park of Augusta Raurica

Various wild animal species have been living at the Augusta Raurica animal park since 2023.


Capercaillies strut around during courtship with their tails fanned, necks stretched up, and beard feathers ruffled. They flap their wings and sing their courtship song, which can be heard from 400 metres away. The hens mate with the rooster they find most attractive. Capercaillies are wild birds on the verge of extinction in Switzerland due to habitat loss. This capercaillie breeding initiative is part of a species conservation programme in partnership with Dählhölzli Zoo in Bern.

Fire Salamanders

The striking body colour of these amphibians serves as a warning to all predators. Secretions produced by glands in their skin can cause skin irritation and nausea. The females do not lay eggs but deposit developed larvae into the water.

Garden Dormouse

The garden dormouse sleeps for an unbelievable amount of time. It hibernates for half the year! It is active at night starting in April, foraging for fruit and berries and hunting insects and small animals. Foxes, martens and tawny owls are its predators.

The garden dormouse will discard its tail as a last resort when in danger.

Our garden dormice can only be visited on guided tours, as they live in a separate area.

Yellow-bellied toad

Yellow-bellied toads are barely 5 cm in size, have an oval-shaped body and very warty skin. With their clay-brown back coloration, they are excellently camouflaged in their typical environment. The yellow and black to bluish patterned belly is unmistakable and allows individual recognition.


This small carp fish lives in fresh water. It avoids strong currents and feels at home in small bodies of water. Our Belicas share their aquarium with great ramshorn snails and freshwater shrimps.

Turtle Dove

The name says it all: these wild pigeons coo "turr-turr"! In Switzerland, they enjoy cooing in warmer regions and spend the winter south of the Sahara. They are now rare because suitable habitats are becoming increasingly scarce here, and they are hunted during migration. In the Augusta Raurica Animal Park, they live together with rock doves.

In the past, doves and pigeons were used as messengers because of their homing instinct.

Common Starling

Starlings are well-known breeding birds. They breed in gardens, in various forests and parks and often near meadows. The large flocks in which they gather outside the breeding season and perform spectacular formation flights are particularly striking.

Due to their social lifestyle, the birds benefit from each other by guiding each other to favourable feeding areas and warning each other of predators.

Starlings have a rich repertoire of sounds and can even imitate other birds.

Eurasian Harvest Mouse

The Eurasian harvest mouse is the smallest rodent in Europe. It builds its nests high up on the stalks and stems of reeds and sedges. For this reason, they are most commonly found along the banks of lakes and slow-flowing rivers. Their tail acts as a grip and climbing aid.

Guinea fowl

Guinea fowl are members of the chicken family originating from Africa's savannahs and forests. Their name comes from the tiny dots on their plumage: According to an ancient Greek legend, these were formed from the tears shed by the sisters of the hero Meleager after his death.

The guinea fowl is especially popular in French cuisine because of its flavourful, tender, mineral-rich meat.

Indian Peafowl

Originating in India and Sri Lanka, peafowl are regarded as symbols of dominance, power, strength, prosperity, love, beauty and immortality. During breeding season, the male peacock proudly displays his splendid train to the female. The hen then chooses which male to mate with. After mating, the feathers are shed, known as moulting, and then regrow.

Peacocks have been kept as ornamental birds since ancient times, and the Romans even ate them.


Once very common, the lapwing has disappeared from many agricultural landscapes. Its preferred habitat is wet meadows. These have become increasingly rare due to drainage. It is also known as the peewit after its distinctive call.
Males and females are similar in appearance, but males have longer crests (head feathers) and a uniformly dark breast band. The lapwing has a varied diet but feeds mainly on insects and their larvae.

The males create shallow holes in the ground and pluck grasses to convince the females of their nest-building abilities through this so-called “mock nesting”.

Carrot-Tail Viper Gecko

In the wild, the carrot-tail viper gecko is found in Iranian semi-deserts and deserts and lives on the ground. Although these cold-blooded creatures are mostly active at dusk and night, they often bask in the sun. Geckos feed on insects and their larvae. The second part of their name (viper) refers to the hissing or puffing sounds they make when they feel threatened.

The carrot tail is a distinctive feature of this species, and its shape gives it its name. The tail stores fat and is a good indicator of the gecko's health.